The sales department should include an assortment formation department and a marketing function. In general, the task of marketing is to create a product that does not need to be sold.

Our entrepreneurs, as a rule, recruit young girls to the marketing department, who the most they do is “drawing up marketing plans.” I put quotation marks, because in fact, in public catering these are promotions that are sent by the suppliers themselves, and in production, all marketing consists in joint promotions with other manufacturers, participation in exhibitions, and so on. Therefore, I do not welcome the marketing department as a separate business unit.


The work of the security service largely intersects with the marketing function. Next, we will talk in detail about the security service. Looking ahead, I will note that its task is not so much the identification of thieves, but the so-called commercial intelligence. I recommend that your marketing staff work closely with those involved in economic security.

I would recommend formulating the goals of the sales department in terms of commodity units: commodity units for a certain period of time and LFL (Like-For-Like). Also, one of the possible indicators is sales of 1 ruble of wages for each of the divisions.

An important task is to bring the names in the price list up to 100%. This is done in conjunction with the production department, the purchasing department and the purchasing department. Finished products must be presented in full. Because when you inform your potential buyer (if you are a factory sales department) that you do not have this name at the moment, and offer him to take something else instead, the buyer is not just upset, but is looking for another supplier.

Without fail, the goal of the sales department should be to reduce operating costs. The unit must also make money, and not only on the back, it must increase its own efficiency.