Any catering establishment, like retail, is a place, a place and again a place. You will not attract anyone with the kitchen. No matter how wonderful a hodgepodge you cook, they will not go for it. Ten years ago, when cooks were brought from Italy, France, China, it was real. Now there are restaurants for every taste. Therefore, the one who has a good location wins.

Open up in a nice, central location.

It is better to overpay for a place where there is traffic than to open for free where there is none and never will. If you don’t find such a place today or tomorrow, you will find it in a year, but it will be a profitable place, not thrown away money.

If possible, stand next to McDonald’s. McDonald’s is our everything, because there is a flow of customers. You have to parasitize on its traffic. But if you serve hamburgers, you will lose. Because you are nothing compared to him. Sell ​​another product – one that McDonald’s doesn’t have.

Open up at every step. Most networks don’t have ads, but everyone knows them because they’re all over the place. Opening up at food courts is a very good market entry strategy. On food courts, people do not eat in one place, they walk in circles, and the probability that they will reach you is one hundred percent. If they like it, they will come again and tell their friends. There is no point in advertising on the Internet. Likes don’t turn into money. The attendance of your Internet resource does not in any way affect the attendance of your establishment and brand awareness – checked.